How Do I Add News to My WordPress Site?

Adding news to your WordPress site is easy. You just need to create a custom post type and add a custom taxonomy. Here’s how:

1. Go to the “create new post” screen in your WordPress admin area.

2. In the “post type” field, enter “news.”

3. In the “taxonomy” field, enter “news_category.”

4. Click “create post type.”

5. In the “post type settings” screen, click the “edit” button next to “news.”

6. In the “news post type settings” screen, enter the following information:

Title: Enter a title for your news post.

Description: Enter a short description of your news post.

Usage: Check the “public” check box.

7. Click the “create” button to save your news post type.

8. Go to the “taxonomies” screen in your WordPress admin area.

9. In the “taxonomies” screen, click the “add” button next to “news_category.”

10. In the “news_category” screen, enter the following information:

Title: Enter the title of your news category.

slug: Enter the slug (the word or phrase that will appear before the article in search results) for your news category.

11. Click the “add” button to save your news category.

12. You’re done! Your WordPress site now has a news category and a news post type.

To add a news article to your WordPress site, simply enter the article URL in the “post title” field in the “create new post” screen, and then click the “publish” button.