How Do I Add Multiple Videos to WordPress?

Adding videos to your WordPress site is easy, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, make sure your videos are in .mp4 or .mov format. WordPress doesn’t support .

3gp or .webm files, so those videos won’t work.

Second, make sure your videos are of good quality. If your video is low quality, WordPress will struggle to play it smoothly.

Third, make sure your videos are properly tagged. WordPress uses tags to organize your videos, so make sure your tags are accurate and relevant.

Fourth, make sure your videos are properly hosted. If your videos are hosted on your own server, you can simply add a link to them in your WordPress post.

If your videos are hosted on a third-party site, you’ll need to add a shortcode to your post.

Finally, make sure your videos are properly optimized for WordPress. WordPress doesn’t support Flash videos, so make sure your videos are converted to HTML5 before uploading them to WordPress.