How Do I Add Layers in WordPress?

There are a few ways to add layers to your WordPress content.

The most common way is to use the “Layers” menu item in the WordPress admin area. This allows you to create new content pages, posts, and custom taxonomies (such as “Categories”) that are essentially folders with content inside.

To create a new layer, click on the “Layers” menu item, then select “New Layer.”.

The second way to add layers is to use the “Add New Post” or “Add New Page” buttons on the main blog post or page editor screen. When you create a new post or page, WordPress will ask you to name the layer.

For example, if you create a new post called “Layers,” WordPress will create a layer called “Layers” inside the post.

The third way is to use the “Add Media” button on the post or page editor screen. When you add media (images, videos, etc.

), WordPress will create a new layer called “Media” inside the post or page.

The fourth way is to use the “Add New Taxonomy” button on the “Posts” or “Pages” screen. When you create a new taxonomy, WordPress will ask you to name the layer.

For example, if you create a new taxonomy called “Layers,” WordPress will create a layer called “Layers” inside the taxonomy.