How Do I Add Instagram Feed Widget to WordPress?

Instagram is a popular photo and video sharing application with more than 1 billion active users. Many WordPress websites include a widget to display the latest posts from Instagram. To add an Instagram feed widget to your WordPress website, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Widgets area of your WordPress website.

2. Click on the Add New Widget button.

3. In the Widget Type field, select Instagram Feed.

4. In the Display Field field, enter the URL of your Instagram account.

5. Select the Enable Selected Fields check box to include the following fields in the widget: Posts, Comments, and User Following.

6. Click on the Add Widget button.

7. Your new Instagram feed widget will appear in the Widgets area of your WordPress website.

8. To add a post to the widget, select the post from your Instagram account and drag it to the widget.

9. To add a comment to the widget, select the comment and drag it to the widget.

10. To follow a user, select the user and drag it to the widget.

11. Click on the Update button to update the widget.

12. Click on the Save button to save the widget.

13. Your new Instagram feed widget is now ready to use on your WordPress website.

The widget can be added to any WordPress post or page. To add it to a post, select the post and click on the Add a Widget button.

To add it to a page, select the page and click on the Add a Widget button.

The widget can be customized to display the latest posts from your Instagram account, the latest comments, or the latest user followers. To customize the widget, select the desired fields and click on the Update button.

Finally, if you want to remove the Instagram feed widget from your WordPress website, select the widget and click on the Remove Widget button.