How Do I Add IMPress for IDX Broker to WordPress?

Adding IMPress for IDX Broker to WordPress is easy. Open the WordPress admin area, go to Plugins, and click the Add New Plugin button.

In the Plugins screen, search for IMPress for IDX Broker and install it.

To use IMPress for IDX Broker, you first need to create a folder for your data. In the WordPress admin area, go to the IMPress for IDX Broker folder, and create a new folder called “data.” In the data folder, create a new file called “config.

php.” In the config.php file, add the following information:.

name = “Test Account”; $account->username = “test”; $account->password = “test”; $account->email = “”;

Finally, you can add a new record to your database. In the WordPress admin area, go to the IMPress for IDX Broker folder, and open the “data/config. In the data/config.

$record = new Record(); $record->name = “My First Record”; $record->description = “This is my first record.”; $record->created_at = “2015-04-20 13:12:00″; $record->updated_at = “2015-04-20 13:12:00″; $record->type = “IMPRESS_IDX”;

Congratulations! You have now added IMPress for IDX Broker to your WordPress website.