How Do I Add HTML5 to WordPress?

Adding HTML5 to WordPress can be a daunting task. However, with a few simple steps, you can have a fully functioning HTML5 site up and running in no time.

To get started, you first need to install the HTML5 plugin from the WordPress plugin repository. This plugin will allow you to add the necessary tags and attributes to your HTML5 content to make it look and behave like a standard WordPress page.

Once the HTML5 plugin is installed, you can begin adding tags and attributes to your content. For example, to add a

You can also add other tags and attributes, such as a

Once you have added the necessary tags and attributes, you will need to add a tag to your content. This tag will include the necessary information to make your content look and work like a standard WordPress page.

Finally, you will need to add a tag to your content to contain the content of your page.

Now that you have added all of the necessary tags and attributes, you can begin adding your HTML5 content.

To add a

tag to your content, you would use the following code:

This code will create a

tag that will hold your content. You can then add your content to this
tag using the following code:

This code will create a

tag that will hold each of the
tags that make up your content. You can then add each of these
tags to the
tag that was created in the previous step.

You can also add other tags and attributes to your content, such as a

tag to start your content with a title.

Once you have added all of your content, you will need to add a