How Do I Add Fontello to WordPress?

Adding Fontello to WordPress is a relatively simple process. Once you have installed the plugin and activated it, you will need to configure it.

To do this, open the Fontello plugin’s settings page and click on the “Configure Fontello” button.

On the configuration page, you will need to provide some information about your website. Fontello needs to know the size of your fonts, the type of fonts you are using, and the location of the fonts.

You will also need to provide Fontello with your WordPress username and password.

Once you have completed the configuration process, you are ready to add Fontello to your WordPress site. To do this, open your WordPress admin area and click on the “Plugins” menu item.

Next, click on the “Add New” button and select the “Fontello” plugin from the list of available plugins.

When you add the Fontello plugin to your WordPress site, you will be prompted to enter your WordPress username and password. After you have entered these details, you will be able to select the fonts you want to use from the Fontello plugin’s font library.

Finally, you will need to configure the Fontello plugin’s settings. To do this, open the Fontello plugin’s settings page and click on the “Configure Fontello” button.

On the configuration page, you will need to provide Fontello with your WordPress username and password.

After you have completed the configuration process, you are ready to start using the Fontello plugin’s font library. To do this, open your WordPress site and click on the “Fonts” menu item.

Next, select the font you want to use from the Fontello plugin’s font library.

Thanks for reading!

Adding Fontello to your WordPress site is a relatively simple process. On the configuration page, you will need to provide Fontello with your WordPress username and password.