How Do I Add FlexSlider to WordPress?

Adding FlexSlider to WordPress is easy. To start, go to the FlexSlider plugin page and click the “Download Now” button. Once the download is complete, open the ZIP file and drag the “FlexSlider” folder into your WordPress site.

Next, go to the “Wp-content/plugins” folder and activate the FlexSlider plugin. Finally, go to the “FlexSlider” menu item and select the “Add New” button. In the “Add New FlexSlider” dialog box, enter the following information:.

Name: The name of your new FlexSlider

The name of your new FlexSlider Description: The description of your new FlexSlider

The description of your new FlexSlider URL: The URL of your new FlexSlider

The URL of your new FlexSlider Author: Your name

Your name License: Your license agreement

Your license agreement Slug: Your slug

Your slug Category: The category under which your new FlexSlider will appear on the WordPress site

The category under which your new FlexSlider will appear on the WordPress site Template: The template of your new FlexSlider

Click the “Create” button and your new FlexSlider will be created. Finally, enter the following information in the “FlexSlider Settings” dialog box:

The description of your new FlexSlider Slider Type: The type of slider your new FlexSlider will be

The type of slider your new FlexSlider will be Export Type: The export type of your new FlexSlider

The export type of your new FlexSlider Layout: The layout of your new FlexSlider

Click the “Update” button and your new FlexSlider will be deployed to your site. Finally, enter the following information in the “FlexSlider Settings” dialog box:

Click the “Update” button and your new FlexSlider will be deployed to your site.