How Do I Add FAQ Rich Snippets to WordPress?

FAQ rich snippets are a great way to add valuable, up-to-date information to your WordPress site. To add FAQ rich snippets, follow these steps:

1. Open your WordPress site in a browser.

2. Click the “Appearance” menu item in the WordPress toolbar.

3. Click the “Editor” tab.

4. Click the “Sources” button.

5. Click the “Text” tab.

6. In the “Text” tab, under the “Sources” section, click the “FAQ” link.

7. In the “FAQ” page, click the “Add a New” button.

8. In the “Add a New FAQ” page, enter the following information:

• Title: “FAQ”

• Description: A list of frequently asked questions about your site

• URL: The URL for the FAQ page

9. Click the “Add FAQ” button.

10. Click the “Save Changes” button.

11. Click the “Publish” button.

12. Click the “Preview” button to preview the FAQ rich snippet.

13. If you’re happy with the results, click the “Publish” button.

14. Click the “Back to Posts” button to return to your posts.

15. Congratulations! Your FAQ rich snippet has been added to your WordPress site.