How Do I Add Content Security Policy Header in WordPress?

The Content Security Policy header is a HTTP header that can be used to instruct web browsers on how to handle requests for certain types of content. When set correctly, this header can help protect your website from malicious attacks that could exploit vulnerabilities in your website’s content.

To add a Content Security Policy header to your WordPress website, you first need to create a policy file. This file is located in the root of your website and contains rules that will be applied to all requests that are made to your website.

The following is an example of a content security policy file that would be used to protect against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘self';

The ‘default-src’ directive specifies that all content that is not specifically allowed will be sourced from the ‘self’ directory. This directive is used to prevent malicious actors from injecting malicious scripts into your website.

The ‘self’ directory is the root directory of your website, so all requests that are not specifically allowed will be directed to this directory.

If you want to allow certain types of content from being injected into your website, you can add a different directive to your policy file. The following is an example of a policy file that would be used to allow user-generated content to be injected into your website:

Content-Security-Policy: default-src ‘unsafe-inline';

The ‘default-src’ directive is replaced with the ‘unsafe-inline’ directive, which tells browsers that user-generated content should be included in the source code of your website.

The ‘unsafe-inline’ directive allows scripts to be included in the source code of your website, which could make it easier for malicious actors to exploit vulnerabilities in your website’s scripts.

The main benefit of using a Content Security Policy header is that it can help protect your website from malicious attacks. By using a policy file that is configured correctly, you can protect your website from Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks and other malicious attacks.