How Do I Add Conditional Logic to WordPress?

Conditional Logic in WordPress

Conditional Logic in WordPress can be used to make certain actions happen based on a certain condition being met. There are a few different conditional functions in WordPress that can be used to make this happen.

The most common use for conditional logic in WordPress is to check if a user is logged in before allowing them to access a particular area of the site. Another common use for conditional logic in WordPress is to check the quantity of a specific item before processing a purchase.

To use conditional logic in WordPress, first you need to find the function that you want to use. The functions that you can use for conditional logic in WordPress are:

is_ logged_in()


Both of these functions take an integer input and return a Boolean value. is_ logged_in() will return true if the user is logged in, and false if they are not.

check_quantity() will return true if the number of items in a given quantity is meet or less, and false if it is not.

Once you have found the function that you want to use, you need to create the conditional code. The conditional code in this example will check to see if the user is logged in, and if they are not, it will redirect them to the login page.

if ( ! is_ logged_in() ) {

header( ‘Location: login.php’ );


The last step in using conditional logic in WordPress is to include the conditional code in the appropriate place in your theme. In this example, the conditional code is included in the login.

php file.