How Do I Add Cname to WordPress?

Adding a CNAME record to your WordPress website allows you to point a domain name at your site. This is a great way to increase your site’s visibility and to make your site easier to find by potential customers. To add a CNAME record to your WordPress website: Log into your WordPress account Go to Settings > General > Domains Click the “Add a new domain” button Enter the domain name you want to point to your WordPress site (ex. example.

com) Click the “Create” button Confirm the change by clicking the “Yes, create this domain” button Click the ” DNS ” tab at the top of the page In the “A Records” section, click the “Add …” button In the “CNAME Record” section, enter the following information: The domain name to point to (

The domain name to which the CNAME record should point (ex. mysite.


The IP address of the server to which the CNAME record should point (ex. 192.


The port number of the server to which the CNAME record should point (ex. 53)

The “type” of record (ex. A) Click the “Add …” button Click the “Save changes” button Click the ” DNS ” tab at the top of the page In the “A Records” section, click the “Add …” button In the “CNAME Record” section, enter the following information: The domain name to point to (ex.


The “type” of record (ex.


The “type.