How Do I Add CloudFront to WordPress?

Adding CloudFront to WordPress is simple. First, you’ll need to create a CloudFront distribution.

You can do this by visiting the CloudFront web interface and creating a new distribution. Once you’ve created your distribution, you can add it to your WordPress site by clicking on the “Add a distribution” button in the CloudFront Dashboard.

Once you’ve added the distribution, you’ll need to configure CloudFront. You can do this by clicking on the “Configure” button in the CloudFront Dashboard, and then clicking on the “CloudFront” tab. In the “CloudFront” tab, you’ll need to set the Distribution Type to “CloudFront.” You’ll also need to set the Region to “US-East (Ohio).” You can then set the Access Type to “Public.” You’ll then need to set the Cache TTL to “24 Hours.” You’ll then need to set the Origin to “” You can then set the Cache Refresh to “Every Hour.” You can then set the Proxy to “https://your-site.

com:8080.” You can then set the Max Age to “365 Days.” You can then set the Default TTL to “1 Hour.” You can then set the Origin CNAME to ” .” You can then set the SSL Certificate Path to ” /etc/ssl/certs .” Finally, you can set the SSL Certificate Key Path to ” /etc/ssl/private/ your-site.key .”.

Once you’ve configured CloudFront, you’ll need to add a CNAME record to your site. You can do this by clicking on the “Add CNAME” button in the CloudFront Dashboard, and then entering the CNAME value into the “Name” field.

You can then click on the “Save” button to add the CNAME record.

You’ll then need to add a SSL certificate to your site. You can do this by clicking on the “Add SSL” button in the CloudFront Dashboard, and then entering the SSL certificate information into the “SSL Certificate” and “SSL Certificate Key” fields.

You can then click on the “Save” button to add the SSL certificate.

Finally, you’ll need to add a CloudFront distribution to your WordPress site. You can do this by clicking on the “Add a distribution” button in the CloudFront Dashboard, and then entering the CloudFront distribution URL into the “Distribution URL” field.

You can then click on the “Save” button to add the CloudFront distribution to your WordPress site.

Once you’ve added CloudFront to your WordPress site, you’ll be able to distribute your content to customers in the US-East (Ohio) region.