How Do I Add Chat to Zendesk in WordPress?

Adding chat to your website with Zendesk is as easy as adding a few lines of code. To get started, create a new Zendesk account and sign in.

From the account overview page, click on the Integration tab and then the Add Integration button.

Now, on the Integration Details page, scroll down to the bottom and enter the following code into the Add Integration Code field:

Next, click the Save button and then click the Test Integration button. If everything goes according to plan, you’ll see a message indicating that the integration is working.

Now that the integration is working, you’ll need to configure your WordPress website to use it. To do this, first go to your WordPress admin panel and click on the Settings link in the sidebar.

From the Settings page, click on the Web Services link and then on the Add New Web Service button.

Now, on the Add New Web Service page, enter the following code into the Add Service Code field:

Click the Save button and then click the Activate button.

Now, you’ll need to add a Zendesk chat widget to your website. To do this, first go to your WordPress admin panel and click on the Widgets link in the sidebar.

From the Widgets page, click on the Add New Gadget button and then on the Zendesk Chat Widget option.

Now, on the Zendesk Chat Widget page, enter the following code into the Text Widget Code field:

Chat with Zendesk


Adding chat to your website with Zendesk is easy and straightforward. Once you’ve set up the integration and added a widget, you’re ready to start chatting with your customers.