How Do I Add Brizy to WordPress?

Adding Brizy to WordPress is as easy as uploading the plugin to your WordPress site, activating it, and adding the appropriate lines to your WordPress theme’s functions.php file.

Once installed, Brizy will provide you with a wealth of features to help you increase your website’s traffic. From automatic ad generation to powerful tracking tools, Brizy has everything you need to boost your website’s performance and growth.

To get started, simply activate the plugin and add the following lines to your functions.php file:

add_action( ‘admin_enqueue_scripts’, ‘brizy_enqueue_scripts’);

add_action( ‘plugins_enqueue’, ‘brizy_enqueue’);

Once activated, Brizy will start automatically generating ads and tracking your website’s traffic. To customize the plugin’s settings, head over to the Brizy dashboard and click on the “Settings” tab.

From here, you can adjust the plugin’s settings to match your needs.

Overall, Brizy is an essential plugin for any WordPress site looking to boost its traffic. With its powerful tracking capabilities and automatic ad generation, Brizy is sure to help your website reach new heights.