How Do I Add Attributes to a WordPress Post?

Adding attributes to a WordPress post is simple. To add an attribute to a post, go to the post’s edit screen and click the “Attributes” tab. From there, you can add any of the following attributes:






To add a new attribute, simply click the “Add new attribute” button and fill out the required information. Once you’ve completed the attribute’s settings, click the “Save” button to save the changes and return to the post’s main editing screen.

To use an attribute in a post, simply type the attribute’s name in the post’s content area and hit the “Enter” key. WordPress will automatically populate the attribute’s value for you.

If you’d like to disable an attribute from being displayed in the post’s content area, simply delete the attribute’s setting from the “Attributes” tab.

Finally, if you’d like to add an attribute to all of your posts, you can use the “Default attributes” widget located in the “Settings” section of your WordPress blog. This widget will automatically add the same attributes to all of your posts, regardless of their individual settings.