How Do I Add an Optin Widget to WordPress?

Adding an optin widget to your WordPress blog is easy. All you need is a WordPress widget file and a copy of the optin widget code.

To add an optin widget to your blog:

1. Upload the optin widget file to your blog.

2. Copy the optin widget code to a designated place on your blog.

3. Insert the optin widget code into the section of your blog’s HTML file.

4. Add the following line to the section of your blog’s HTML file:

5. Save your blog’s HTML file.

6. Test your optin widget by logging in to your blog and viewing the widget’s settings.

7. If you’d like, you can customize your optin widget’s appearance by editing its CSS file.

8. Restart your WordPress blog to activate the new widget.

Now that your optin widget is installed and configured, you can start collecting email addresses from your readers.

To collect email addresses from your readers:

1. Display your optin widget’s settings by logging in to your blog and viewing the widget’s settings. In the widget’s settings, click the “Get Emails” button. Enter your blog’s email address into the “Email Address” field. Click the “Start Collecting Emails” button.

5. Your blog will begin collecting email addresses from your readers.

When your blog has collected enough email addresses, it will send you a notification message detailing the number of addresses it has collected.

If you’d like, you can delete any of the email addresses your blog has collected.

Congratulations! You’ve added an optin widget to your WordPress blog and started collecting email addresses from your readers.