How Do I Add an Icon Code in WordPress?

When you create a post or page in WordPress, there’s a text box where you can enter a URL or a filename for a file you want to include.

To add an icon code, you first need to find the icon you want to use. There are a lot of great icon libraries out there, like IcoMoon and FontAwesome.

Once you’ve found the icon you want, you need to find the code for it.

To find the code for an icon, open the file in a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit, and look for the following lines:

Alt text

For example, the icon for the WordPress blog post title is the file path “/wp-content/themes/twentyten/images/title_icon.png” .

The alt text for this icon is “Blog title” .

To use this icon code in WordPress, you would enter the following line in your post or page’s text box:

Blog title.