How Do I Add Air to My WordPress Forks?

Adding air to a WordPress fork is easy. First, open the wp-config.php file in your forked WordPress directory. Find the line that says “define(‘WP_POST_MODULE’, ‘blogname_forks’);” and change the value to “define(‘WP_POST_MODULE’, ‘blogname_air_forks’);” Save the file. Next, open your wp-content/plugins directory and find the file called “Blogname Air Forks.php”. Edit the file to include the following line: $wp_scripts = array( ‘blogname_air_forks’ ); After you’ve made these changes, you’ll need to activate the plugin in your forked WordPress directory.

To do this, open the WordPress admin area, click on the Plugins menu item, and then click on the Activate link next to the Blogname Air Forks plugin. Finally, you’ll need to add a link to the plugin in your forked WordPress directory. To do this, open the files index.php and header.php in your forked WordPress directory and locate the line that says “echo get_bloginfo(‘name’);”. After you’ve added the line, you can use the following code to generate a link to the plugin: .