How Do I Add Additional JavaScript to WordPress?

Adding JavaScript to a WordPress website is relatively easy. All you need is a text editor, like Notepad, and the WordPress JavaScript files.

First, locate the WordPress JavaScript files. These are located in the wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Next, open the files in your text editor.

To add a new JavaScript file, create a new file called js_file.js and add the following code:

var wp = WB . createElement ( ‘script’ ); wp . src = ‘

2/jquery.min.js’ ; wp . async = true ; wp . onload = function () {};.

Next, add the following line to the section of your document:

Save your file and reload your WordPress website. Your new JavaScript file should now be active.

Now that you have added the JavaScript file, you will need to include it in your WordPress theme. To do this, locate the theme files in your WordPress installation and open them in your text editor.

Next, locate the section of the theme file and add the following line:.