How Do I Add Ad TXT in WordPress?

Adding ads to your WordPress blog is easy. You simply add a text ad area to your blog using the WordPress Media Library.

You can manage your ads through the Media Library, or you can use a third-party ad management system. Once your ads are set up, you can promote them through your blog content or through your advertising network.

To add a text ad area to your WordPress blog:

1. In the WordPress Media Library, click on the Ads tab.

2. Click on the Add New Ad button.

3. Enter your ad information into the form fields.

4. Click on the Preview button to preview your ad.

5. Click on the Publish button to publish your ad.

6. Click on the Edit button to make any changes to your ad.

7. Click on the Delete button to delete your ad.

8. Click on the Save button to save your ad.

9. Click on the Back button to return to the WordPress Media Library.

10. Click on the blog you want to add your ad to to display your ad.

11. Click on the Ads tab.

12. Click on the Edit button next to your ad to make changes to your ad.

13. Click on the Publish button to publish your changes.

14. Click on the Save button to save your changes.

15. Click on the Back button to return to the WordPress blog.

16. Click on the blog page you want to promote your ad to.





21. Click on the Back button to return to the blog post you are promoting your ad to.

22. Click on the text link you created in step 5 to visit your ad.

23. Click on the ads to start viewing your ad.

24. Click on the Exit Ad button to dismiss your ad.

25. Click on the Subscribe button to sign up for email notifications when your ad is updated.

26. Click on the Share button to share your ad with your followers.




30. Conclusion:.