How Do I Add ACF Field in WordPress?

Adding an ACF field to your WordPress site is easy. First, open your WordPress site in your web browser. Then, click on the “Settings” link in the main menu.

Under “ SEO & Conversion ”, click on the “ACF” link. You will now see the “ACF Settings” screen. On this screen, you will need to enter the following information:.

1. Title: The title of the ACF field

2. Field Name: The name of the ACF field

3. Display Name: The display name of the ACF field

4. ACF Field Type: The type of ACF field that you want to use

5. ACF Field Settings: The settings for the ACF field

6. ACF Field Threshold: The number of votes that must be cast in order for a post to be included in the ACF field

7. ACF Field Exclude Pages: The pages that the ACF field will exclude

8. ACF Field Schedule: The schedule for triggering the ACF field

9. ACF Field Export: The export settings for the ACF field

10. Save Changes: Click on the “Save Changes” button to save your changes to the ACF field settings.

Now that you have added the ACF field to your WordPress site, you will need to configure the settings for the field. The first step is to decide what type of ACF field you want to use.

There are three types of ACF fields: post, author, and comment.

The post ACF field is the most common type of ACF field. It is used to store information about posts. The post ACF field includes the following information:

1. Title: The title of the post

2. Body: The body of the post

3. Tags: The tags associated with the post

4. Comments: The comments associated with the post

5. Publish Date: The date the post was published

6. Status: The status of the post, which can be one of the following values: published, draft, pending review, or unpublished

7. ACF Field Settings: The settings for the post ACF field

8. ACF Field Threshold: The number of votes that must be cast in order for a post to be included in the ACF field

The author ACF field is used to store information about the authors of posts. The author ACF field includes the following information:

1. First Name: The first name of the author

2. Last Name: The last name of the author

3. Email: The email address of the author

4. Website: The website of the author

5. ACF Field Settings: The settings for the author ACF field

The comment ACF field is used to store information about the comments that are associated with a post. The comment ACF field includes the following information:

1. ID: The ID of the comment

2. Status: The status of the comment, which can be one of the following values: approved, rejected, pending review, or unpublished

3. Text: The text of the comment

4. IP: The IP address of the commenter

5. Time: The time of the comment

6. Date: The date of the comment

7. ACF Field Settings: The settings for the comment ACF field

8. ACF Field Threshold: The number of votes that must be cast in order for a comment to be included in the ACF field

9. Exclude Pages: The pages that the comment ACF field will exclude

10. Export: The export settings for the comment ACF field

7. ACF Field Settings.