How Do I Add a Widget Button in WordPress?

Adding a widget button in WordPress is fairly simple. To add a widget button, go to your WordPress site’s Appearance » Widgets page, and click the “+New Widget” button. In the “Widgets” window that pops up, select the “Button” type of widget, and then enter the following information:

1. The text you want to appear on the button
2. The URL of the widget’s landing page

The name of the widget
4. The widget’s CSS class
5. The widget’s JavaScript code.

To use the button, you simply have to add it to a post or page, and then add a widget trigger to your theme or plugin. For more information, please see the WordPress Codex article on widget buttons.


Adding a widget button in WordPress is a relatively simple process. By following the instructions provided, you can create a button that users can access from any post or page on your site.