How Do I Add a User to WordPress Multisite?

Adding a user to a WordPress multisite is easy. You can use the user administration tool to add a new user, or you can use the WordPress user management screens in the admin area of a single site.

To add a user to a multisite, first log in to the user administration tool. Then, click the Users link in the left-hand menu.

In the Users screen, click Add User.

In the Add User screen, enter the user’s login credentials. Then, click Add.

The user is now added to the multisite. To manage the user’s settings, click the user’s name in the Users list, and then click the Settings link.

In the Settings screen, you can configure the user’s settings, including the user’s email address and password. You can also choose whether the user can log in to the multisite.

To remove a user from a multisite, first log in to the user administration tool.

In the Users screen, click the user’s name in the list, and then click the Remove User button.

The user is now removed from the multisite.