How Do I Add a Timely Calendar to My WordPress Site?

Adding a timely calendar to your WordPress site is easy. First, you need to find and download the desired calendar plugin. Once you have the plugin installed, log in to your WordPress admin panel and click on “Appearance” in the menu bar. Under the “WP Time & Date” heading, you will see a list of calendar plugins. Select the plugin you just installed and click on the “Add New” button. In the “Calendar Type” field, select “Timely Calendar”. In the “Plugin Name” field, type the name of the calendar you just installed. In the “Description” field, type a brief description of the calendar. In the “Author” field, type the name of the person who created the calendar. In the “Version” field, type the version number of the calendar. In the “Usage” field, type the usage permissions you want the calendar to have. In the “Location” field, type the URL of the calendar. In the “Tag” field, type a tag for the calendar. Click on the “Save” button. Your new calendar will now be available on your WordPress site. To add a calendar to a specific post, click on the “Add New” button and select “Calendar” from the list of options. In the “Type” field, select “Timely Calendar”.

Click on the “Save” button. You now have a timely calendar available on your WordPress site!.