How Do I Add a Timeline to My WordPress Elementor?

Adding a timeline to your WordPress Elementor project can be a time-consuming process, but it’s well worth the effort. Follow these steps to add a timeline to your project:

1. In the Project window, click on the Timeline tab.

2. In the Timeline window, click on the + button to add a new timeline.

3. In the Add New Timeline dialog box, enter the following information:

Name: The name of your timeline

Description: A brief description of your timeline

Start Date: The date your timeline begins

End Date: The date your timeline ends

Duration: The length of your timeline in minutes

4. Click on the OK button to add your timeline to your project.

5. In the Timeline window, click on the Play button to preview your timeline.

6. If you want to make any changes to your timeline, click on the Edit button to open the Timeline Edit dialog box.

7. In the Timeline Edit dialog box, make any changes to the information in the timeline, and then click on the OK button to save your changes.

8. Click on the Play button to preview your timeline again.

9. If you want to export your timeline to a different file format, click on the Export button to open the Export Timeline to File dialog box.

10. In the Export Timeline to File dialog box, select the desired file format, and then click on the OK button to export your timeline to that file format.

11. Click on the Close button to exit the Timeline Edit dialog box.

12. Click on the Play button to preview your timeline once more.

13. Click on the Close button to close the Timeline window.

14. Click on the Close button to close the Project window.

15.Save your project.

16. Your timeline is now ready to use in your WordPress Elementor project.