How Do I Add a Suggestion Box in WordPress?

Adding a suggestion box in WordPress is a fairly easy process. First, you’ll need to create a new file in your WordPress directory called wp-config.

php. In this file, you’ll need to define a few settings related to the suggestion box.

Firstly, you’ll need to define a constant called ‘WP_SUGGESTION_BOX’. This will be the name of the suggestion box, and you can define it to anything you like.

Next, you’ll need to define a function called ‘suggest_box’. This will be the function that will be called when the suggestion box is clicked on. Inside of this function, you’ll need to define two variables.

The first variable is called ‘post_type’, and this will be the post type that the suggestion box will be displayed for. The second variable is called ‘term_id’, and this will be the ID of the term that the suggestion box will be displayed for.

Once these variables have been defined, you’ll need to set them to the correct values. In the example below, the suggestion box will be displayed for posts of the ‘review’ post type, and the term_id will be set to the ID of the ‘review’ term.

Finally, you’ll need to define a function called ‘show_suggestion_box’. This function will be called when the suggestion box is displayed, and it will need to define two variables.

The first variable is called ‘post’, and this will be the post that is being displayed in the suggestion box. The second variable is called ‘suggestion_box’, and this will be the WordPress suggestion box that is being displayed.

Now that all of the necessary settings have been defined, you can add the show_suggestion_box function to your wp-config.php file.

Once the function has been added, you’ll need to add a line of code to the bottom of your wp-config.

This line of code will define a URL that will be used to display the suggestion box. In the example below, the suggestion box will be displayed on the homepage of the website.

Finally, you’ll need to add a line of code to the bottom of each post that you want the suggestion box to be displayed for. This line of code will define the ID of the suggestion box that will be displayed for that post.

Now that the suggestion box has been added, you can configure it however you like. You can set the size of the box, the color of the box, and the layout of the box.

You can also set the time delay between each suggestion, and the number of suggestions that will be displayed at once.

Overall, adding a suggestion box in WordPress is a fairly easy process. Once you have defined all of the necessary settings, it is just a matter of adding the show_suggestion_box function to your wp-config.

php file, and adding the appropriate lines of code to the bottom of each post.