How Do I Add a Subscribe Button to WordPress?

Adding a subscribe button to WordPress is easy. All you need is a plugin and a bit of coding.

There are several plugins available that will do this for you, so it’s up to you to decide which one you want to use.

The most popular plugin for adding a subscribe button to WordPress is the Subscribe Button by WPForms. This plugin is available as a free and premium version.

The free version allows you to add a single subscribe button to your blog, while the premium version allows you to add multiple subscribe buttons to your blog.

To add the Subscribe Button by WPForms to your blog, first install the plugin. Then, go to the plugin’s settings page and enter the following information:

Your blog’s domain – This is the domain name or IP address of your blog.

Your blog’s name – This is the name of your blog.

The subscribe button’s URL – This is the URL of the subscribe button that you want to add to your blog.

The subscribe button’s text – This is the text that you want to appear on the subscribe button.

Click the “Save Changes” button to save the changes that you’ve made.

Now, you need to add the subscribe button to your blog. To do this, go to your blog’s front-end and find the HTML code that contains the blog’s content.

You’ll find this code in the section of your blog’s HTML code.

Next, find the following code: