How Do I Add a Sort Option in WordPress?

Adding a sort option in WordPress is a relatively easy task. All you need is to add the following line of code to your theme’s functions.php file:

// Add a sort option
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘my_sort’);

After adding this line of code, you will need to create a function named my_sort. This function will take two arguments: the post ID and the desired order.

You can use the post ID to specify the specific post you want to sort, or you can use the post name to sort all posts in the current blog by that name.

Once you have created your my_sort function, you will need to add the following line to the end of the function:

// Add a sort order

The post_id argument will specify the ID of the post you want to sort, while the post_title argument will specify the title of the post you want to sort. You can also use a comma-separated list to specify multiple post IDs or titles. Finally, you will need to add the following line to the end of the function to specify the order in which the posts will be sorted:

// Add a sort order

The my_sort function will allow you to specify three different sorting orders: post_id, post_title, and desc. You can use any of these orders to specify the order in which you want the posts to be displayed.