How Do I Add a Review Section to My WordPress?

Adding a review section to your WordPress website is easy. There are a few different ways you can go about it, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The first way to add a review section is to use a plugin. There are a number of plugins available that will do this for you, including the popular WP Review plugin by WPBakery Page Builder.

This plugin allows you to add a review section to your posts and pages easily.

However, using a plugin has a few disadvantages. First, it can be difficult to manage the review section if you have a lot of reviews.

Second, it can be difficult to keep the reviews up to date. Finally, if you decide to remove the review section, you will have to remove all the reviews from the plugin as well.

The second way to add a review section is to use a custom template. This is the approach that I recommend.

If you use a custom template, you can customize the review section to fit your needs. You can also add a review form to make it easy for your visitors to submit their reviews.

One disadvantage of using a custom template is that it can be more difficult to manage. You will need to be careful not to overcrowd the review section or make it difficult to navigate.

Additionally, it can be difficult to keep the review section up to date.

The third way to add a review section is to use a plugin and a custom template. This is the approach that I use on my website.

I use the WP Review plugin and the Twenty Fifteen review template by

The advantage of using this approach is that it is easy to manage. I can update the review section easily without having to worry about removing reviews.

Additionally, I can add new reviews without worrying about messing up the existing reviews.

The disadvantage of using this approach is that it can be more expensive. If you want to add a review section to your website, using a plugin and a custom template is probably the best option.