How Do I Add a Recipe Card to WordPress?

Adding a recipe card to WordPress is easy. To start, open up your WordPress admin area and go to Appearance > Widgets.

In the Widgets area, click on the Add New Widget button. In the Add New Widget dialog box, select the Recipe Card widget and click on the button labeled Add.

Once the Recipe Card widget has been added, you will see the following Fields area:

Title: This is the title of your recipe card.

This is the title of your recipe card. Recipe: This is the text of your recipe.

This is the text of your recipe. Categories: This is a list of categories that your recipe may belong to.

This is a list of categories that your recipe may belong to. Image: This is the URL of an image that will be used as the background for your recipe card.

To add a recipe to your recipe card, simply enter the text of your recipe into the Recipe field and click on the Save button. You can also add categories and images to your recipe card by clicking on the respective icons.

When you are finished adding content to your recipe card, click on the Publish button to save it and make it available to your WordPress website visitors.

Finally, when you are finished publishing your recipe card, click on the conclusion button to submit your article for review.