How Do I Add a Read More Button to My WordPress Blog?

Adding a read more button to your WordPress blog can be a great way to increase website traffic. In this article, we will show you how to add a read more button to your blog using a WordPress plugin.

After reading this article, you will be able to add a read more button to any post or page on your blog easily.

First, you will need to install a WordPress plugin called “ButtonBuddy”. Once the plugin has been installed, you will need to go to the “Settings” tab and enter the following information:

Button ID: This is the unique identifier for the read more button.

This is the unique identifier for the read more button. Button Text: This is the text that will be displayed when the button is clicked.

This is the text that will be displayed when the button is clicked. Button Image: This is the image that will be displayed when the button is clicked.

Once the information has been entered, click the “Save” button.

Now, you will need to create a post or page that will use the button. To do this, click the “Add New” button and enter the following information:

Title: This is the title of the post or page.

This is the title of the post or page. Body: This is the body of the post or page.

This is the body of the post or page. Button: This is the button that will be used to access the read more section.

Once the post or page has been created, you will need to add the read more button. To do this, click on the “Buttons” tab and select the “ButtonBuddy” plugin. Once the plugin has been selected, you will need to enter the following information:

Button ID: This is the same identifier that was entered in the “Settings” tab.

This is the same identifier that was entered in the “Settings” tab.

Now, you will need to add a line of code to the post or page that will use the button. To do this, click on the “HTML” tab and enter the following code:

Read More

Once the code has been entered, click the “Publish” button.

Congratulations! Your blog now has a read more button!.