How Do I Add a Profile Picture to WordPress?

Adding a profile picture to WordPress is simple. First, locate the “Profile Picture” section of the WordPress admin area.

You can find this by clicking on the “Appearance” menu item in the WordPress admin area, and then clicking on the “Profile Picture” link.

Once you’re in the Profile Picture section, you’ll see a list of available profiles. To add your own profile picture, click on the “Upload a Picture” button.

You’ll be prompted to locate the picture file. Once you’ve located the picture file, you’ll be asked to choose a size for the picture.

Once you’ve chosen a size, you’ll be asked to choose a location for the picture.

Once you’ve added the picture, you’ll need to configure the picture’s settings. To do this, click on the “Settings” button next to the picture.

You’ll be prompted to enter a title for the picture, and you’ll also be able to set the picture’s privacy settings. Finally, you’ll be prompted to set the picture’s display settings.

Once you’ve finished adding the picture, click on the “Save Changes” button.