How Do I Add a Pop Up Window in WordPress?

Adding a pop up window in WordPress is a fairly simple process. Assuming you have a page or post with a form, all you need to do is add a shortcode to your post or page.

To add a pop up window in WordPress, you’ll first need to find the shortcode you need. The shortcode you’ll need to use to add a pop up window is [popup].

After you’ve located the [popup] shortcode, all you need to do is include it in the post or page where you want the pop up window to appear.

Next, you’ll need to define the parameters for the pop up window. These parameters will include the title and the content of the pop up window.

Finally, you’ll need to add a trigger for the pop up window. This trigger will tell WordPress when the pop up window should appear.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your pop up window will be ready to use. Simply include the content you want the pop up window to display, and WordPress will take care of the rest.


Once you’ve located the [popup] shortcode, all you need to do is include it in the post or page where you want the pop up window to appear.