How Do I Add a Phone Number Button in WordPress?

Adding a phone number button in WordPress is a relatively easy process. The first step is to locate the widget area in your WordPress site.

This can be found by clicking on the Appearance tab in the WordPress admin area and then clicking on Widgets. From here, you will be able to locate the widget area and drag and drop a widget onto your site.

Once the widget is located, you will need to click on the widget and then click on the Edit link next to the text field that says Phone Number. This will open the Phone Number editor.

From here, you will need to enter the phone number that you want to appear on the button. You will also need to specify the button text.

Once the phone number and text have been entered, you will need to click on the Save button.

Finally, you will need to click on the widget and then click on the Publish button. This will publish the phone number button on your site.