How Do I Add a PayPal Button to My WordPress Site?

Adding a PayPal button to your WordPress site is easy. Just go to the PayPal website and sign in.

Once you have logged in, click on “Add a new button” in the top left corner.

On the next page, you will need to provide some information about your button. You will need to give your button a name, a description, and a URL.

You will also need to choose a button template. There are a number of templates to choose from, but the most popular is the “donate” template.

Once you have filled out all of the information, click on the “Create button” button.

Now you will need to add a bit of code to your WordPress site. To do this, locate the WordPress header (usually at the top of your page) and insert the following code:

Next, locate the WordPress footer and add the following code:

Finally, you need to add a bit of code to your blog posts. To do this, you will need to add a shortcode to your post.

To find out how to add a shortcode, please visit our blog post on How to Add Shortcodes to Your WordPress Blog.

Once you have added the shortcode, you will need to add the following code to it:

That’s it! Your PayPal button is now ready to be used on your WordPress site.