How Do I Add a Newsletter to My WordPress Site?

Adding a newsletter to a WordPress site is easy. You just need to create a new content type, give it a name (e.

g. “Newsletter”), and add a few fields.

First, you’ll need to create a new content type. To do this, go to your WordPress admin area and click on “Content types.

” Then click on the “Create new content type” button.

Name the content type something relevant, like “Newsletter.” Next, you’ll need to add some fields. Click on the “Add field” button and add the following fields:

Name: This is the name of the content type. It should be something relevant, like “Newsletter.”

This is the name of the content type.

” Description: This is a brief description of the content type.

This is a brief description of the content type. Email Address: This is the email address where people will be able to sign up for your newsletter.

This is the email address where people will be able to sign up for your newsletter. Start Date: This is the date your newsletter will be started.

This is the date your newsletter will be started. End Date: This is the date your newsletter will be ended.

This is the date your newsletter will be ended. Taxonomy: This is the taxonomy your newsletter will be in.

There are a few options here, but “Newsletter” is the most common.

Click on the “Save changes” button to save your content type.

Now you need to add some fields to your content. To do this, click on the “Add field” button and add the following fields:

Title: This is the title of your newsletter.

This is the title of your newsletter. Body: This is the body of your newsletter.

This is the body of your newsletter. Subtitle: This is a subtitle for your newsletter.

This is a subtitle for your newsletter. Link URL: This is the URL where people can go to learn more about your newsletter.

This is the URL where people can go to learn more about your newsletter. Subscribe URL: This is the URL where people can subscribe to your newsletter.

This is the URL where people can subscribe to your newsletter. Email Signature: This is the email signature for your newsletter.

Click on the “Save changes” button to save your content.

Now you’re ready to add your newsletter content. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s content page (usually under the “Posts” menu item).

Then click on the “Add new post” button.

On the “Title” field, enter the title of your newsletter. On the “Content” field, enter the body of your newsletter. On the “Subtitle” field, enter the subtitle for your newsletter. On the “Link URL” field, enter the URL where people can learn more about your newsletter.

On the “Subscribe URL” field, enter the URL where people can subscribe to your newsletter. On the “Email Signature” field, enter the email signature for your newsletter.

Click on the “Publish” button to publish your newsletter.


Adding a newsletter to your WordPress site is easy. Just create a new content type, add some fields, and publish your newsletter.