How Do I Add a Meta Box to a Custom Post Type in WordPress?

Meta boxes are a great way to add extra functionality to custom post types in WordPress. They allow you to add fields to your posts that allow you to customize the way your posts are displayed.

To add a meta box to a custom post type in WordPress, first create a new file called custom_post_type.php and add the following code:

__( ‘My Custom Post Type’, ‘my-custom-post-type’ ),

‘description’ => __( ‘Allows you to customize the way your posts are displayed.’, ‘my-custom-post-type’ ),

‘ slug’ => ‘my-custom-post-type’,

‘ meta_box_name’ => ‘my_meta_box_name’,

‘ meta_box_type’ => ‘text’,

‘ meta_box_options’ => ‘my_meta_box_options’,

‘ fields’ => ‘my_fields’,

‘ public’ => true,




The first line of the file defines the custom post type. The second line registers the post type with WordPress.

The next lines define the fields that will be included in the post type, as well as the public flag.

The final lines of the file define the meta box for the post type. The meta box name is my_meta_box_name and the type is text.

The meta box options are defined as my_meta_box_options.