How Do I Add a Menu to the Admin Dashboard in WordPress?

Adding a menu to the WordPress Admin Dashboard is relatively easy. First, go to the “Appearance” tab in your WordPress Admin area, and click on the “Menus” button. This will display a list of all the menus available to you.

Scroll down until you find the “Add New Menu Item” menu item, and click on it. This will open a new window where you can enter the details of your new menu item.

To add a menu item to the WordPress Admin Dashboard, first go to the “Appearance” tab and click on the “Menus” button. .

In the “Title” field, enter a title for your new menu item.

In the “Subtitle” field, enter a brief description of your new menu item.

In the “Menu Position” field, choose one of the following options: “Primary” (the top-most menu), “Secondary” (on the same level as the “Primary” menu), or “Tertiary” (on a lower level than the “Primary” and “Secondary” menus).

In the “Show In” field, choose one of the following options: “All Posts” (the menu will appear in all posts), “All Pages” (the menu will appear in all pages), or “Posts & Pages” (the menu will appear in both posts and pages).

In the “Show In Menu” field, choose one of the following options: “Always” (the menu will always appear), “Only In Posts” (the menu will only appear in posts), or “Only In Pages” (the menu will only appear in pages).

In the “Order” field, choose one of the following options: “Title” (the menu will appear at the top of the list), “Date” (the menu will appear in the order in which posts were created), or “Menu Position” (the menu will appear in the order in which posts were published).

Click on the “Create Menu Item” button to finish setting up your new menu item.