How Do I Add a Logo to My WordPress Footer?

Adding a logo to your WordPress footer is a quick and easy process. The first step is to locate your logo file.

You can either use an online logo generator or find a logo file that you already have. Once you have your logo file, you will need to upload it to your WordPress site. To add your logo to your footer, follow these steps:.

1. In the WordPress admin area, go to the “Appearance” tab and select “Footer.”

2. Click on the “Add Footer Logo” button.

3. Select your logo file from your computer and click the “Upload” button.

4. Your logo will be displayed in the footer of your WordPress site.

To change the logo’s location, click on the “Location” drop-down box and select a different location on your site.

5. Click the “Save Changes” button to save your changes.

6. You’re finished! Your logo will now be displayed in the footer of your WordPress site.