How Do I Add a Login Button to WordPress?

Adding a login button to WordPress is fairly easy. Assuming that you have a login form already created, you can add a Login button to the form by following these steps:

1. Open your login form in a text editor, such as Notepad.

2. Locate the

tag at the top of the file, and beneath it, add the following code:

3. Within the
tag, locate the tag, and beneath it, add the following code:

4. Within the
tag, locate the tag and add the following code:

5. Save the file.

Now that the form has been configured, you will need to add a link to it in your theme. To do this, open your theme in a text editor and locate the tag. Within the tag, add the following line of code:

6. Within the tag, add the following line of code:



Now you will need to add a link to the login form in your theme. Within the tag, add the following line of code:


You are now ready to add the login button to your WordPress site. To do this, open your WordPress site in your browser and locate the WordPress admin area.

Locate the Posts section and then locate the post that you would like to add the login button to. Click on the Edit link next to the post title.

9. Within the Edit post screen, locate the

tag and click on it.

10. Within the
tag, locate the tag and add the following code:

11. Within the
tag, locate the tag and add the following code:


13. Click on the Publish button to publish the changes to your site.

Now that the login form has been added, you will need to create a link to it in your WordPress site.


15. Within the
tag, locate the tag and add the following code:

16. Within the
tag, locate the tag and add the following code:




20. Within the
tag, locate the tag and add the following code: