How Do I Add a Live Cricket Score to WordPress?

Adding live cricket scores to your WordPress blog is a simple process. First, you will need to find a cricket score website that you would like to add to your blog.

Next, you will need to copy the text of the cricket score onto your blog. Finally, you will need to add a few lines of code to your blog’s header to allow people to access the cricket score.

To add a cricket score to your blog, first find a website that has live cricket scores. Many cricket score websites will have a link at the bottom of the page that will take you to the blog where the score is being displayed. Next, copy the text of the cricket score onto your blog. You can use a word processor, such as Microsoft Word, to copy and paste the text of the cricket score.

You can also use a web browser to copy and paste the text of the cricket score. You can add the code to the section of your blog’s HTML file. The code will look like this:.

Cricket Score – <a href=""></a>.

You can also add the code to the section of your blog’s HTML file. The code will look like this:

Cricket Score – – All rights reserved.


Adding a live cricket score to your WordPress blog is a simple process.