How Do I Add a Link to a Featured Image in WordPress?

Adding a link to a featured image in WordPress can be a bit of a challenge. There are a few different ways to do it, but the easiest approach is to use the Featured Image widget.

To add a link to a featured image in WordPress, first install the Featured Image widget from the WordPress plugin repository. Once the widget is installed, go to the widget’s settings page and enter the URL of the featured image you want to link to.

You can also add a link to a featured image using the Shortcode function. To do this, first create a new shortcode and enter the following code:

[featured_image url=””]

If you want to use a featured image from a plugin, you can also use the WP_Featured_image class to automatically find and use the featured image. To do this, add the following line to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_action(‘wp_featured_image’, ‘your_function_name’);

Your_function_name will be replaced with the name of your function.