How Do I Add a Keyphrase in WordPress Yoast SEO?

Adding a Keyphrase in WordPress Yoast SEO

Adding a Keyphrase in WordPress Yoast SEO is simple. To do so, first open the Yoast SEO plugin and click on the “Keyphrases” tab.

From here, you can add a new keyphrase by entering the keyword you want to Target into the “Keyword” field and clicking on the “Add” button.

Once the keyphrase has been added, you can configure Yoast SEO to Target it by selecting the “Target” tab and selecting the “Keyword” field. From here, you can set the keyword’s bid (where it will appear in search engine results), domain authority, and other factors.

Finally, you can click on the “Save” button to save your changes and finish adding the keyphrase to Yoast SEO.


Adding a Keyphrase in WordPress Yoast SEO is simple and can help you Target the right keywords for your website.