How Do I Add a Focus Keyword in WordPress?

Adding a focus keyword in WordPress is a simple process that can help you to improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). To add a focus keyword in WordPress, first create a new category in your WordPress site’s Categories panel and name it “Focus Keyword.

” Then, add a new post to your Focus Keyword category and title it “How to Add a Focus Keyword to Your WordPress Site.” In that post, you’ll need to provide a few details about your focus keyword, including what it is, where to find it, and what it means for your website.

Once you’ve completed that post, you’re ready to add your focus keyword to your WordPress site. To do that, first go to your WordPress site’s Settings panel and click on the “Headings” tab.

Under “Headings,” click on the “Add New Heading” button and enter your focus keyword into the “Title” field. Then, click on the “Add” button and your focus keyword will be added to your site’s headings.

Finally, you’ll need to make sure that your focus keyword is included in your website’s title tags and meta tags. To do that, go to your website’s front-page (index.

php) file and add a title tag that includes your focus keyword. Next, add a meta tag that includes your focus keyword, and make sure that it’s included in the “Description” field as well.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll be able to improve your website’s SEO by including your focus keyword in your website’s title tags and meta tags.