How Do I Add a Custom Field in WordPress Registration Form?

Adding a custom field to your WordPress registration form is easy. In your WordPress registration form, you will need to add a field for the customer’s name. To add a custom field, follow these steps:

1. Open your WordPress registration form in a text editor.

2. Edit the form’s header, and add the following line of code:

Custom FieldsName

3. Edit the form’s body, and add the following line of code:

4. Save your form.

5. Test your form by filling in a name in the Name field and clicking submit.

Now your form will have a custom field for the customer’s name. To use the custom field in your WordPress registration form, you will need to add a code snippet to your form’s header. To do this, follow these steps:

Your form will now use the custom field named name. To do this, follow these steps:

Your form will now use the custom field named name.