How Do I Add a Custom Comment in WordPress?

Adding a custom comment in WordPress is easy. First, you need to create a custom comment type.

To do this, go to the WordPress administration area and click on “Settings.” Then, under “Comment Settings,” click on “Add New.”.

In the “Comment Type” field, enter the name of the custom comment type you want to create. In the “Comment Name” field, enter the name of the comment you want to create.

In the “Comment Text” field, enter the comment you want to create.

Click on the “Save” button to save the custom comment type. Next, you need to create a custom comment post.

To do this, go to the WordPress administration area and click on “Posts.” Then, under “Post type,” click on “Comment.

In the “Comment Title” field, enter the title of the comment post you want to create. In the “Comment Text” field, enter the comment you want to add to the post.

Click on the “Add Comment” button to add the comment to the post.

Click on the “Publish” button to publish the comment post. Finally, you need to add a custom comment widget to your blog.

To do this, go to the WordPress administration area and click on “Widgets.” Then, under “Widget Type,” click on “Comment.

In the “Comment Widget Title” field, enter the title of the widget you want to create. In the “Comment Widget Text” field, enter the text of the comment you want to add to the widget.

Click on the “Create” button to add the comment widget to your blog.

When you add a custom comment in WordPress, the comment will appear in the comment section of the post you added the comment to, and the comment will be linked to the post’s content.