How Do I Add a CSS Class to a Menu in WordPress?

When you create a menu in WordPress, you’ll need to add a class to it. To do this, go to your menus screen and click on the “Add New Menu” button.

Type in “menu” in the text field, and then select “Menu Item” from the menu options. .

In the “Item Type” dropdown, select “CSS Class.” In the “Class Name” text field, type in “menu-item-active.

” Click on the “Add” button to add the class to your menu.

Now, whenever you create a menu item in WordPress, the “menu-item-active” class will be added to it. You can use this class to style your menu items differently depending on their state.

For example, you could make all your menu items in the “active” state have a different color, or make their text bold.

The “menu-item-active” class is a great way to style your menu items differently depending on their state. It’s also a great way to make your menu more user-friendly.