How Do I Add a Copy Button in WordPress?

Adding a copy button to a WordPress website can be a great way to help users easily copy content from one location on your website to another. To add a copy button, first you’ll need to create a new widget in your WordPress admin area. Once you’ve created the widget, you’ll need to enter the following information into it:

The name of the widget – “Copy Button”

The location of the copy button – on the blog post or page where you want the button to be displayed

The text you want to appear next to the copy button – “Copy”

The copy button will look like this:

Once you’ve added the copy button, you’ll need to assign a function to it. To do this, click on the “Widgets” tab in your WordPress admin area, and then select the “Copy Button” widget from the list.

Under the “Function” heading, you’ll see a series of options. Click on the “Settings” button next to the “Copy Button” widget, and then enter the following information:.

The name of the function – “copy”

The url of the location where the content will be copied to – the url of the post or page where you want the content to be copied to

Once you’ve entered the information, click on the “Save” button. Now, when users click on the copy button, the content will be copied to the specified location on the website.

If you’d like to add a copy button to a specific post or page, you can use the “post_content” or “page_content” functions, respectively. These functions will return the content of the post or page as a string, which you can then use to create the copy button widget.