How Do I Add a Contact Form to a WordPress Footer?

Adding a contact form to your WordPress footer is a simple process. First, add the contact form plugin to your WordPress site.

Then, add the form code to your footer. Finally, configure the form settings.

To add the contact form to your footer, first add the contact form plugin to your WordPress site. Then, add the form code to your footer. The form code looks like this:

The form code includes the following elements:

This code specifies the contact form’s action (contact-form-submit), which is the URL to the form.

This code specifies the contact form’s ID, which is used to identify the form on the web page.

This code specifies the contact form’s title, which is displayed in the contact form’s title bar.

This code specifies the contact form’s message, which is displayed in the form’s message bar.

This code specifies the contact form’s submit button.

Now, add the contact form code to your footer. To do this, open the WordPress settings page (wp-admin/options-general.

php). Then, under the “Footer” tab, click the “Add a new row” button. In the “Text” field, type the following code:.